black and white bed linen

Discover Northeast India's Best Businesses Here

Find all the top businesses in Northeast India on for easy access to your customers.

Rated 5 stars by satisfied customers


Connecting Northeast Businesses with Global Market is the ultimate business directory for Northeast India, showcasing establishments from Tawang to Hailakandi. Join us to promote your products and services to a global audience, and let the world discover the treasures of Northeast India.

woman placing sticky notes on wall
woman placing sticky notes on wall
Empowering Local Businesses Globally
Showcasing the Best of Northeast India

Join to list your business and connect with customers from around the world. Let us help you reach new heights and showcase the unique offerings of Northeast India to a global audience.

Promote Local Businesses

List your products and services on our marketplace to reach customers in northeast India and beyond.

three women sitting on sofa with MacBook
three women sitting on sofa with MacBook
person using smartphone and MacBook
person using smartphone and MacBook
Reach Global Village

List your business at popular destinations like Tawang, Nathu La Pass, Dzukou Valley, and more.

Facilitate Customer Reach

Let the world discover the values of northeast India through your products and services listing.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Great platform for showcasing local businesses in northeast India. Highly recommend for increasing visibility.

Sara Smith

man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers
man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers has been instrumental in connecting us with customers from all over the world. Fantastic!

John Doe

aerial photo of lighted city buildings during nighttime
aerial photo of lighted city buildings during nighttime

Northeast Showcase

Discover the beauty and diversity of Northeast India through our gallery.

city skyline during night time
city skyline during night time
low angle photo of curtain wall building
low angle photo of curtain wall building
person writing on white notebook
person writing on white notebook
group of people walking on the stairs
group of people walking on the stairs